You've Got Leads API

Making your CRM data work for you.

Reference Data

Reference data is exposed via the API through a series of endpoints that provide lists of data and IDs.

Most reference data can be customized by the organization. If you are a Referral Source user of the API, you will be required to send in the unique SubscriptionId for the organization you are inquiring about for most reference lists.




Name Method Description
/api/reference/ambulations/{SubscriptionId} GET Get the possible values for the ambulation field for an organization. If you are not a referral source, the SubscriptionId is not used.


Name Type Description
Ambulation string The description of the ambulation type
AmbulationId int The unique ID of the ambulation type
SubscriptionId int The subscription ID associated with the value. A 0 means that it is a shared value, otherwise it is unique to the organization.



Name Method Description
/api/reference/amenities/{SubscriptionId} GET Get the possible values for the ambulation field for an organization. If you are not a referral source, the SubscriptionId is not used.


Name Type Description
Amenity string The description of the amenity type
AmenityId int The unique ID of the amenity type
SubscriptionId int The subscription ID associated with the value. A 0 means that it is a shared value, otherwise it is unique to the organization.

Care Levels


Name Method Description
/api/reference/carelevels/{SubscriptionId} GET Get the possible values for the CareLevel field for an organization. If you are not a referral source, the SubscriptionId is not used.


Name Type Description
Active boolean Is the care level currently in use; if false it is not valid in a POST or PUT request
CareLevel string The description of the care level type
CareLevelId int The unique ID of the care level type
CareOrder int
SubscriptionId int The subscription ID associated with the value. A 0 means that it is a shared value, otherwise it is unique to the organization.

Contact Preferences


Name Method Description
/api/reference/contactpreferences/{SubscriptionId} GET Get the possible values for the contact preferences for an organization. If you are not a referral source, the SubscriptionId is not used.


Name Type Description
ContactPreferenceId int The unique ID of the contact preference type
ContactPreferenceName string A description of the contact preference

Contact Time Preferences


Name Method Description
/api/reference/contacttimepreferences/{SubscriptionId} GET Get the possible values for the contact time preferences field for an organization. If you are not a referral source, the SubscriptionId is not used.


Name Type Description
ContactTimeId int The unique ID of the contact time type
ContactTimeName string A description of the contact time

Current Living Situations


Name Method Description
/api/reference/currentlivingsituations/{SubscriptionId} GET Get the possible values for the current living situations field for an organization. If you are not a referral source, the SubscriptionId is not used.


Name Type Description
CurrentCare string The description of the current care type
CurrentCareId int The unique ID of the current care type
DisplayOrder int
SubscriptionId int The subscription ID associated with the value. A 0 means that it is a shared value, otherwise it is unique to the organization.

Family Statuses


Name Method Description
/api/reference/familystatuses/{SubscriptionId} GET Get the possible values for the family status field for an organization. If you are not a referral source, the SubscriptionId is not used.


Name Type Description
FamilyStatus string The description of the family status type
FamilyStatusId int The unique ID of the family status type
SubscriptionId int The subscription ID associated with the value. A 0 means that it is a shared value, otherwise it is unique to the organization.

Lead Statuses


Name Method Description
/api/reference/leadstatuses/{SubscriptionId} GET Get the possible values for the family status field for an organization. If you are not a referral source, the SubscriptionId is not used.


Name Type Description
StatusId int The unique ID of the lead status type
StatusName string The description of the lead status
ClosedFlag int The code corresponding to the state of the lead
ClosedFlagDescription string The description of the state of the lead, for example Open, Closed, or Moved-in
IndustryId int 1 = Assisted Living/Senior Living; 2 = Skilled Nursing; 3 = Home Care; to reference a specific industry use a filter in your query like this: api/reference/leadstatuses?$filter=IndustryId eq 1
SubscriptionId int The subscription ID associated with the value. A 0 means that it is a shared value, otherwise it is unique to the organization.

Funding Types


Name Method Description
/api/reference/fundingtypes/{SubscriptionId} GET Get the possible values for the funding type field for an organization. If you are not a referral source, the SubscriptionId is not used.


Name Type Description
FundingTypeDesc string The description of the funding type
FundingTypeId int The unique ID of the funding type
SubscriptionId int The subscription ID associated with the value. A 0 means that it is a shared value, otherwise it is unique to the organization.

Lead Priorities


Name Method Description
/api/reference/leadpriorities/{SubscriptionId} GET Get the possible values for the lead priority field for an organization. If you are not a referral source, the SubscriptionId is not used.


Name Type Description
Priority string The generic description of the priority type
PriorityDesc string The description of the priority type as displayed to the user
PriorityId int The unique ID of the priority type
SubscriptionId int The subscription ID associated with the value. A 0 means that it is a shared value, otherwise it is unique to the organization.

Memory Losses


Name Method Description
/api/reference/memorylosses/{SubscriptionId} GET Get the possible values for the memory loss field for an organization. If you are not a referral source, the SubscriptionId is not used.


Name Type Description
DisplayOrder string
MemoryLoss string The description of the memory loss type
MemoryLossId int The unique ID of the memory loss type
SubscriptionId int The subscription ID associated with the value. A 0 means that it is a shared value, otherwise it is unique to the organization.

Relations to Resident


Name Method Description
/api/reference/relationstoresident GET Get the possible values for the relation to resident field for an organization.


Name Type Description
Relation string The description of the relation type
RelationId int The unique ID of the relation type
SortOrder int
IsFamily bit Is the relationship type familial?

Apartment Types


Name Method Description
/api/reference/apartmenttypes/{SubscriptionId} GET Get the possible values for the apartment preference field for an organization. If you are not a referral source, the SubscriptionId is not used.


Name Type Description
PropertyId int The ID of the community associated with the unit
AptId int The unique ID of the apartment type
AptDescrip int A description of the apartment type, suchs as "1 Bedroom"